Tumbling Class
We offer a variety of classes, most based on skill level, some on age.
Toddler Tumble – We offer a toddler open gym on Mondays from 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm. This class is on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone walking – age 5 for a cost of $12.
Beginners – Learn the basics of tumbling and get introduce to our coaches and gym. Instruction will be provided to master forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, round offs. These classes are 1 hour in duration and offered in 10 week sessions.
Intermediate – Mastered all the skills in the beginners class? Move up to our Intermediate level classes that focus on front & back walkovers, connection multiple skills, standing back handsprings (BHS) as well as a round off or cartwheel BHS once a standing BHS is perfected. These classes 1 hour in duration and are offered in 10 week sessions.
Advanced – Once athletes have perfected their walkovers as well as connecting a skill to a BHS for a running pass, they are promoted to our Advanced class. Athletes must have the minimum skills listed above and be performing them on their own with proper technique. These classes are 1 hour in duration and offered in 10 week sessions.
Ninja- Bring your kids to run, jump, tumble, and climb through obstacle courses like a Ninja all while getting stronger, more agile and having fun!
Semi Privates Leasons – These classes are designed for 4-5 athletes for a duration of 4 weeks and 1 hour in duration each week. The cost is $120 per athlete. This is an opportunity to add more one-on-one instruction at a greatly reduced cost compared to privates. Semi privates lessons are not available for beginners.
Private Lessons – Private lessons are offered in 30 minute increments for a cost of $30. Private lessons are available for beginners – advanced skill level. Schedule 1 or reserve a weekly/biweekly spot with an instructor to master skills. They can be scheduled by clicking here.
Open Tumble – We offer these drop-in classes on Tuesday nights from 7:15-8:15 pm and Mondays 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (walking – age 5) as well as some Saturdays Saturdays 11 am – 12:00 pm for Beginners and 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm for Intermediate/Advanced. These are run just like a class with an instructor. We call them ‘Open’ simply because they are open to ages 5 & older who are working at any skill level. The cost is $12 for Members. We no longer allow Non-Members to attend. Click here for additional info and the current Saturday Schedule.
Class Make-Ups – If you miss a class that you are enrolled in on a weekly basis, you can attend any open tumble for FREE! Please note that makeups must be completed during the session in which a class was missed. No credit will be rolled over to new sessions.
Click here for our current Tumbling Schedule
*We charge an annual registration fee of $30 per child. Siblings are $25 each. Each membership comes with the ability to sign up for any class, including private lessons as well as Open Tumbles for $12. Upon completion of your annual registration you will receive a FREE Firehouse t-shirt.